A Mobile App & Website Redesign to Fight Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)
“Dojo4 was the perfect technology partner for us when we needed a new site and corresponding mobile app for KidPower — with Tumblr API and Zendesk integration.
We came to them with pretty tight deadlines and they were able to jump in full steam as a central organizing force that involved coordinating with our Pakistan-based team (which built the back end of our original site); as well as our teams based in China and Cambodia—not to mention UNICEF and our own Boulder-based team!”
Over 17 million children under the age of 5 suffer from SAM – Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), the most dangerous form of malnutrition. It causes 3.5 million deaths annually. Dojo4 was asked by the eminently cool organization Active For Good (formerly Calorie Cloud) to work on a project with them for the US Fund for UNICEF. One of the things that makes Active for Good so impactful, is that they are tackling the inverse global problems of obesity and malnutrition at the same time. Their model uses corporate wellness and school fitness programs to incentivize people to count the calories they reduce/burn, which are then translated into funding for a 6-8 week feeding program (three 500-calorie packets of RUTF per day), which has been found to permanently eliminate SAM for 95% of those treated.
We worked with the Active For Good and UNICEF teams, to redesign their website and corresponding mobile app, and to serve as the “central organizing force” between the Active For Good’s various teams in Pakistan, China, Cambodia, and right here in Boulder.